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Consent to Electronic Disclosures

Last Updated: January 4, 2021

I agree that Merit Life Insurance Co. (“Merit”) may electronically provide me with all communications, disclosures, and other information regarding my application and annuity contract, including any prospectus to be provided to me (“Communications”). This consent does not apply to any future transactions that may occur between Merit and myself. I agree to print out, download or otherwise archive these Communications to keep for my records. Furthermore, I have consented to the use of electronic signatures in place of written documents and handwritten signatures.

I will need a computer with internet access and a printer capable of printing screens or hard drive capable of storing data. In addition, I must use an internet browser software that supports 256-bit encryption. To access, view, and retain Communications from Merit, I will need the ability to receive and read emails that contain hyperlinks to websites.

Even though I have consented to the electronic delivery of Communications, Merit has informed me that I may also receive a paper copy of any Communications provided to me electronically by writing Merit at or calling Merit at (833) 637-4854. There is no fee for the paper copy. I may also withdraw this consent by sending Merit a request in writing. If I decide to withdraw this consent, the legal effectiveness, validity and/or enforceability of all prior electronic Communications will not be affected.