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A steady rudder in
all conditions.

Secure and transparent reinsurance to help you navigate and weather the course ahead.

At Knighthead Re, our bearings hold true.

Knighthead Re is part of the Knighthead Insurance Group, a global insurance business helping customers around the world preserve and grow their wealth through secure financial products.

Backed by highly-rated financial strength and a team of insurance experts, Knighthead Re partners with insurers to meet their capital requirements and improve their financial results, so they can help their stakeholders and customers reach their goals.

Our transaction structures.

At Knighthead Re, our preferred transaction structure is a funds withheld coinsurance agreement. With this structure, we’re able to offer our cedents the best of both worlds; transparency into and uninterrupted control over their assets in addition to improved financial results driven by competitive ceding commissions. Funds withheld coinsurance ensures credit for reinsurance while minimizing risk and providing peace of mind over the custody and quality of assets.

Require something bespoke to suit your needs? As a global insurance company, Knighthead Re has the capacity and expertise to offer a variety of reinsurance structures to meet your company’s unique goals.

Our investment management.

Knighthead Re’s investment management team collaborates closely with Knighthead Capital Management (KHCM) and its sub-adviser, Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) to oversee multi-asset class mandates, ensuring secure, effective asset-liability management. 

This long-term partnership leverages both firms’ strengths in delivering tailored investment solutions for our reinsurance partners. GSAM brings globally recognized expertise in insurance strategy, public fixed income, and liquidity management. KHCM, an SEC registered investment advisor, focuses on private credit and commercial mortgages. Together, under the leadership of our CIO and investment management team, they optimize reinsurance portfolios while maintaining alignment with cedent investment strategies and regulatory requirements.

Our jurisdiction.

Knighthead Re is proudly founded and based in the Cayman Islands. Thanks to its sophisticated regulatory environment and modern infrastructure, Cayman is a well-established and secure jurisdiction to deliver on your promises to your customers and stakeholders.

Knighthead International is registered as a Class D Long Term insurer in the Cayman Islands and is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA). A copy of CIMA’s current Fact Sheet is accessible here. Further details of CIMA’s regulation of the Cayman Islands Insurance industry and standards of regulation applied are accessible here.

Our leadership.

Chief Executive Officer​, Chief Investment Officer, and Director

Chief Operating Officer​

General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Company Secretary, & MLRO

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Actuary​

Looking forward starts now.